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The current Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) pandemic has spread to about 220 countries of the world and has resulted in a significant number of deaths globally. Infections are still on the rise, and the impact on the global death rate could be devastating. There are fears over the likely impact of a large number of deaths on body sourcing and handling of cadavers for teaching and research. Historically, epidemics come with several challenges and have often led to some level of negligence of ethical practices and health and safety regulations associated with body sourcing and handling. The authors highlighted some emerging problems in this article, focusing on Africa and Nigeria in particular. These problems include a higher risk of coronavirus exposure for body handlers, shortage of cadavers for teaching and learning, a lack of standard regulations leading to unethical body sourcing and handling, and a lack of monitoring and collaboration needed for a well-coordinated Covid-19 pandemic response strategy. If these issues are ignored, the previous gains made in anatomical ethical practices may be destroyed. Some useful recommendations for policymaking geared toward prevention or curtailing these emerging issues have been instilled in this article.  相似文献   
新时代,高等教育“内涵式”发展、“双一流”建设、“以本为本”等新要求,赋予了高校专业人才队伍建设新的内涵和外延。新时代加强高校专业人才队伍建设,必须紧紧围绕“立德树人”根本任务,将政治建设摆在首位,突出师德师风建设,牢牢抓住专业化的能力建设,切实提升育人水平,方能从容应对新矛盾、新挑战,出色完成新时代的新使命、新任务。  相似文献   
As medical programs place increasing importance on competency-based training and surgical simulations for residents, anatomy laboratories, and body donation programs find themselves in a position of adapting to changing demands. To better assess the demand for “life-like” cadaveric specimens and evaluate the possible impacts that competency-based medical education could have upon the body donation program of McGill University, Canada, the authors tracked, over the course of the last 10 years, the number of soft-embalmed specimens, along with the number of teaching sessions and the residents enrolled in competency-based programs that are using cadaveric material. The results reveal that the number of soft-embalmed specimens used within residency training increased from 5 in 2009 to 35 in 2019, representing an increase from 6% of bodies to 36.5% of the total number of body donors embalmed in this institution. Correspondingly, the number of annual teaching sessions for residents increased from 19 in 2012 to 116 in 2019. These increases in teaching are correlated with increasing number of residents enrolled in competency-based programs over the last 3 years (Pearson r ranging from 0.9705 to 0.9903, and R2 ranging from 0.9418 to 0.9808). Those results suggest that the new skill-centered curricula which require residents to perform specific tasks within realistic settings, exhibit a growing demand for “life-like” cadaveric specimens. Institutions’ body donation programs must, therefore, adapt to those greater need for cadaveric specimens, which presents many challenges, ranging from the logistical to the ethical.  相似文献   
在对高职学生就业能力的内涵进行简要阐述的基础上,重点论述体育参与对高职学生就业能力的促进作用:体育参与有利于提升高职学生的职业身体素质,有利于提升高职学生的应聘抗挫能力,有利于培养高职学生的团结协作能力。最后,就如何激发高职学生的体育参与积极性简要提出若干建议。  相似文献   

The roots of Savate in France stretch back at least 200 years, and there is extensive interdisciplinary research in French showing changing interpretations of its meaning and purpose. Savate is now a globalised combat sports with potential to enter the Olympic Games. To help remedy the lacuna of English-language research, this paper considers: (1) Documentaries and rare instructional literature; (2) online videos and discussions of archival Savate footage; (3) contemporary documentation from the Great Britain Savate Federation; and, (4) ongoing fieldwork in one UK Savate school. Through our multimodal study of printed, televised, digital and physical action, we add to the discussions to the constant reinvention of Savate to a modern, seemingly inclusive combat sport. Using John Urry’s framework of mobilities, we introduce the notion of ‘mobile masculinities’ underpinned by a European sense of relatively elite individualistic cosmopolitanism. Savate provides a rich case study of gender inclusivity in sport – how a previously male-dominated activity incorporates women in positions of power and responsibility and teaches men to acquire elegance in style and elite levels of stamina.  相似文献   
本文的研究目的在于在社会企业与青少年体育俱乐部之间建立一种学术联系,基于社会企业的视角探寻我国青少年体育俱乐部能力建设的路径,为我国青少年体育俱乐部能力建设提供新视角。根据研究目的的需要,主要采用文献研究法及理论分析法。研究结论为:社会企业作为一种运用市场的理念和模式实现公益目标的创新型社会组织,能为我国青少年体育俱乐部能力建设提供启示。基于社会企业的视角,分别从内部治理能力、组织发展能力、外部拓展能力、公益开展能力等方面提出了我国青少年体育俱乐部能力建设的路径。内部治理能力建设,就是要建立现代化的管理制度;组织发展能力建设,就是要实施市场营销策略和培育社会资本;外部拓展能力建设,就是要强化信用意识和承担社会责任;公益开展能力建设,就是要提高体育发展能力和健康促进能力。  相似文献   
大面积建成区建筑密度遥感制图产品能够提供土地开发强度与人类居住环境的基础信息,是支撑人居环境研究和土地利用规划的重要数据。全球人类居住区层(global human settlement layer,GHSL)是由欧盟联合研究中心负责的大面积人居环境制图项目,建成区建筑密度遥感制图产品是GHSL重要的组成部分。目前该产品在欧美地区已经完成了GHSL建成区建筑密度遥感制图产品的验证。然而以中国为代表的东亚区域的建筑物形态和城市布局与欧美等区域有较大的差别,有必要在亚洲地区对其进一步验证。以中国的5个典型城市(上海、西安、长春、昆明和乌鲁木齐)大面积单体建筑物分布图为基础,通过聚合分析和邻域关键点搜寻匹配等算法,生成中国建成区建筑密度栅格图像产品作为验证数据,然后通过回归分析等方法,在像元尺度上对GHSL建成区遥感制图产品进行评价验证。结果显示,GHSL建成区建筑密度产品在较低分辨率下可以反映中国地区建筑密度情况,但在较高分辨率下在高值区过高估计密度。本研究可以为中国地区研发建成区建筑面积密度产品提供依据。  相似文献   
珠三角地区的经济、社会发展的集聚效应像一个巨大的吸盘,吸走了粤东西北地区的人力资本。清远农业生产经营青年人才缺乏,成为发展农村电子商务的制约瓶颈。既然人才不可能短时间回流,应充分利用省职教基地的高校人力资本,通过在基地建立农村电子商务发展中心的形式,以高校智库资源为引领,凝聚科研院所、农业生产流通社会组织和规模龙头企业等形成发展联盟资源体,推进清远农村电子商务实现跨越式发展。  相似文献   
Little is known regarding the profiles of whole body donors in Muslim majority countries where donation is scarce. Therefore, this study aims to profile registered donors in Turkey by means of a survey. The explored data could be used to improve ongoing campaign efforts and ethical practices such as commemoration services. Registered donors of the donation programs at the two faculties of medicine of Istanbul University were compared with the national population and a cluster analysis was performed to reveal any concealed sub-groups. Data from 188 respondents were analyzed. The majority of registered donors were married (42%), male (65.4%), aged over 50 years (76%), held a tertiary education degree (49.7%), and were irreligious (58.5%). Cluster analysis revealed two groups with significantly different educational levels, marital statuses, and religious choices. Regarding whether their bodies could be used for education or research, the majority (64.5%) of the respondents left the decision to the anatomy department. Similarly, 73.8% approved indefinite use of their organs, body parts and/or skeletons. The respondents were also willing to share their medical history (94.2%) and personal information (81.6%) if needed. Motivational themes for body donation including usefulness, impermanence, religion, awareness, and kinship were devised after a thematic analysis. Among the respondents, 56.5% were registered organ donors and 63.3% were frequent blood donors. The results of this study provide data that may help revising informed consent forms, developing and implementing thanksgiving ceremonies, and selecting additional targets for supporting body donation campaign activities such as organ and blood donation units.  相似文献   
The value that willed body donors provide to medical education is priceless. Their precious gift helps to teach anatomy, spatial relationships between morphological structures, anatomical variation, and professionalism to medical students in a way that plastic models, podcasts, and lectures cannot. They are also an important resource for medical research and a wide variety of postgraduate training opportunities. While many body donation programs throughout the world are nonprofit organizations, there are body donation companies in the United States that sell donors for-profit. These “body brokers” have accumulated large profits from this business. It is incongruous that others would profit from such a priceless, freely donated gift. To prevent this incongruity, it is proposed that the international anatomical community develop a normative culture (a bioethos) for body donation programs. This would involve the conscious and systematic development of ethical principles for the day-to-day policies and practices of institutions that collect and use human bodies. With the development of this bioethos, a cultural shift in how donors are treated would occur and, over time, this would become the normal practice. These principles would become fundamental and foundational for the procurement and use of priceless human tissues.  相似文献   
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